Melchizedek Christian Church
Melchizedek Christian Church
Statement of Values and Beliefs
These values are the biblical and spiritual beliefs that we believe are important for every Christian to understand experientially in order to come into maturity in Christ. We seek to combine both the ancient teachings of the first apostles, the early church fathers, historic Christianity and the present emphasis set forth in scripture and taught by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the beliefs and teachings of the early New Testament Church was more than a theological set of doctrines, but more importantly it was a way of life. Christ and His life shared in a community of faith was the focus and emphasis of these early believers. This is illustrated in Acts 2:42-48.
42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.43 Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. 44 And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; 45 and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. 46 Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved. (NASB)
Apostles’ Doctrine - Applied teachings as received from our Lord Jesus Christ as set forth in the New Testament scriptures, especially the Gospels and Epistles. These Apostles of Christ established the doctrine of Christ as the cornerstone for the beginning of the church of New Testament times. Christianity was about a relationship with Jesus Christ and His abiding Life in us. The Apostle Paul speaks of the “surpassing value of knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.” All New Testament doctrines should be based on Christ’s teachings and that which leads to Christ-like living.
Fellowship- Relationships built through the Holy Spirit and knowing one another in the Spirit. This is not based on racial, economic, or cultural and background experiences, but on true “koinonia”, fellowship in the Spirit.
Breaking of Bread- Much of the early church was based around sharing meals together, truly learning from and serving one another. This provides opportunities to encourage one another in spiritual growth and change. The breaking of bread may also include “Holy Communion” in our gathering and worship together, as well as common meals.
Prayers- This includes personal and corporate prayer during the regular services of worship as well as personal and private devotions. Special prayer times may be called for specific needs and occasions. The personal and corporate life of the church should be immersed in prayer through intercession and praise.
Evangelism and Discipleship- The basic goal of making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all things our Lord commanded, should be a regular ongoing ministry. Making disciples includes helping each believer to come to personal wholeness, through salvation, deliverance, and daily taking up their cross and following Christ by the Holy Spirit.
The Common Basis of Fellowship
This common faith and these beliefs were listed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:1-6.
1Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, 3 being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. (NASB)
These seven above characteristics are the basis of fellowship and unity amongst believers. As we endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit, anything more than these as a requirement of fellowship are too exclusive. Anything less than these are too inclusive, those insisting otherwise should be seen as divisive and out of order. Of course, it is important that we should forebear with one another in our search for His Truth. Finally, all truth should be based on the value and standard− Does it lead to Godliness and Love, and is it based on the words, nature, and character of Christ.
Early Church Fathers
We believe the writings of the early church fathers are important as to understanding and reflecting on the teachings, meanings, and methods, of the early church. These fathers would include the ante-Nicene fathers before the council of Nicea in 325AD, more especially, those early fathers least removed in time from the apostles themselves. Without modern communication and the printing press, letters, teaching, and expositions of truth could easily be spurious, heretical, and exaggerated.
Those early fathers, who were discipled by the first apostles themselves such as Polycarp, Papias, Ignatius, Clement, Eusebius and others are especially trustworthy. Church fathers closely related to these mentioned and whose writings can be of great value include Irenaeus, Origen, and others, but should be studied with more cautious examination and carefulness. The writings of these ante-Nicene fathers are not considered inspired as the canon of scriptures, they are nonetheless of great help in the meaning and understanding of Christ and His teachings.
One of the most important examples from these early fathers is their use of the allegorical and spiritual teaching from Old Testament scriptures. How else could they have taught so convincingly about Christ, beginning with Moses and the Law, the Prophets and other scriptures without the spiritual meanings associated with them? These allegorical and symbolic meanings made the truths of Christ apparent in all they taught. This kind of exposition was prevalent for hundreds of years in the church but became almost nil in the Middle Ages and later denied by some in the reformation. These reformers gave more attention to factual teaching without “going beyond the veil” to the higher spiritual and symbolic realities. It was later that Spurgeon and others began to reclaim this type of teaching. Charles Spurgeon writes, “Analogies are not only to be imagined, but are intended by God to be traced between the story of Israel and the lives of believers. Israel was ordained to be a type: that tribes and their marchings are living allegories traced by the hand of an all-wise providence. Unspiritual persons may sneer about fancies and mysticisms, but Paul spake well when he said “which things ‘are an allegory’” (The Treasury of David Volume VIII page 433).
We believe that the literal and factual interpretation of scripture coupled with the allegorical and spiritual meaning behind these scriptures is important. Allegorical and spiritual teaching alone can result in what some have called “fanciful” and extreme imagination. Factual and the letter only, however, can result in many and varied beliefs and practices based on human understanding without the life of the Spirit. It is by the witness of the Holy Spirit with our human spirit (1 John 2: 27) that we may know truth.
It is through praying in and with the Spirit, listening to the Lord, and a careful study and exegesis of scriptures that we become his disciples. Always having an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
Historic Christianity
The first appearance of a statement of beliefs was
in the Apostles’ Creed which appeared between
710 and 714 AD. This creed appeared in various
forms and excerpts from church fathers as early
as 180 AD. The creed is a combination of
scriptures from various parts of the New
Testament and proclaimed as the basic
fundamental doctrines and foundational truths of
the church.
Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
and born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Christian church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the Life everlasting. Amen
Through the centuries, as always in satan’s ways, the pure doctrines and church life was often distorted and even lost. It was through the sufferings and bold faithfulness that small remnants of Christians sought to return to the purity and life of the New Testament Church, but was so persecuted that they were sometimes driven into hiding and even death. Through the reformation and the years following, great truths were recovered for the Church such as justification by faith, the grace of God, sanctification, water baptism and the work of the Holy Spirit. During the twentieth century many works of the Holy Spirit were restored including the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit through the corporate life of the Church and individual believers. Many churches of historical faith include in their statements of faith the One-True Godhead, the Trinity, of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Most of these statements of faith line up with the Apostles’ Creed and scriptures, with those exceptions of a denominational emphasis on a certain doctrine.
We believe and hold fast to these historic Christian beliefs of the early Apostolic Church and as set forth in the Apostle’s creed and the inspired Word of God.
The Present Emphasis of the Holy Spirit
We believe that every church and individual believer needs to continue in the doctrine of Christ. Some of these truths have been neglected, lost or distorted through the years. Just as the Apostle Paul wrote many letters to instruct, encourage, even correct in his day, the Lord wrote letters to the seven churches of Asia in the book of Revelation to encourage, rebuke, and instruct them. If these early churches needed ongoing leadership of the Holy Spirit to correct and instruct, certainly today we should be open to change through instruction, reproof, correction and training in righteousness.
As we hold fast to Christ and contend for the faith once delivered to His people, at the same time, we must be learners and disciples of Him. This may mean laying aside old concepts, beliefs, and practices not having the confirmation of His Word, the inner anointing and witness of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes this struggle and change can be humbling and difficult, but will always result in His life and fellowship.
Through Melchizedek Christian Church we are committed to the Lord to receive and walk in the full counsel of God, as He leads us. We will continue to share our journey on this website and through other sources of communication such as seminars, written materials, teachings on video, CDs etc.
Though we hold to the great foundational truths of the New Testament, we believe that many truths in our day are being further illuminated by the Holy Spirit for understanding and application. Some that we are learning include:
-The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ
-The Order of Melchizedek
-The Fullness of the God Head
-Hearing God’s Voice
-The Trichotomy of Man as Spirit, Soul and Body
-Going Beyond the Veil/ Allegorized & Spiritual Teachings
-The Three Anointings of David
-The Seven Churches of Revelation
-The Work of the Cross
-Dealing with Generational Iniquities and Family Systems
-Spiritual Gifts
-Spiritual Warfare
-Restoration of Believers
-Holy Communion
We invite you to join us in this journey together to reign as kings and priests according to the Order of Melchizedek.